Quality Policy
Putting Community, Health, Safety and Environment first

Quality Policy
Ejovi Dredging and Marine Services Limited recognizes that maintaining high Quality standards in all operations is key to our success and reputation. To this end, the Company strives to consistently provide services that meet the requirements and expectations of our customers and all interested parties.
As a commitment to this policy and its continual improvement, a documented Quality Management System (QMS) that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 has been established with Management, responsible for determining measureable objectives. The QMS is periodically reviewed to ensure continual improvement in our Service delivery, to achieve this we will:
- Continually monitor and improve the level of our client’s satisfaction with our performance
- Ensure our works comply with relevant Ejovi Dredging & Marine Services operational procedures
- Ensure all quality related issues are effectively reported and addressed
- Ensure all employees have sufficient induction, and training to undertake their work safely and effectively
- Encourage a culture of cooperation and participation regarding quality issues.
- Strive to deliver our products and services on time and on budget
- Strive to recruit and retain high quality employees
- Comply with applicable legislation, codes and standards